• Live@Worlée

Join live@Worlée!

With our online seminar series live@Worlée, we would like to stay in constant contact with you and convince you of our comprehensive expertise in chemical raw materials for the paints and coatings industry. With live@Worlée, we would like to provide you with regular technical insights and product information. Sign up now!

And if you ever miss an online seminar, you can watch the live recordings here.

Live@Worlée meets Friends on 12.03.2025

The European Coatings Show is just around the corner and we will also be there in Nuremberg from 25 to 27 March. To give you a little insight into our trade fair topics, we have put together an extensive and interesting webinar programme in our live@Worlée meets Friends. As last time, our partners and headmasters Synthomer, Hobum Oleochemicals, King Industries, Cabot Corporation and Mizudahope will also be taking part. Each presentation will be held independently of the others, so you are welcome to register for any session that interests you and then dial in at the time of the presentation. Below you will find the schedule for 12 March 2025. We look forward to your participation and to an exciting exchange with you.

Und sollten Sie mal ein Online-Seminar verpasst haben, können Sie sich hier nachträglich die Live-Aufzeichnungen anschauen.And if you have missed an online seminar, you can watch the live recordings here afterwards.

Please note: All presentations will be held in English.

Camelina Oil - Sustainable solutions for coatings

Wednesday, 12 March 2025 from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

10 – 10.30 a.m.: More Sustainable Coating Solutions: Unlocking the Potential of Camelina Oil-Based Resins - Lars Ossenschmidt

10.30 – 11 a.m.: Camelina Oil in Waterborne Binders: Where Sustainability Meets High Performance - Caroline Matthiesen

11 – 11.30 a.m.: Innovating with Camelina: High-Performance Dual-Cure Binders for Eco-Friendly Coatings - Melanie Schmidt


Wednesday, 12 March 2025 from 1 - 4 p.m.

1 - 1.30 p.m.: Worlée.Chemical.Distribution - Your Trusted Partner Since 1851. - Thorsten Adebahr

1.30 - 2 p.m.: Utilise synergy effects to improve corrosion protection - Dirk Sühlig, Synthomer

2 - 2:30 p.m.: Low Viscosity Carbon Blacks with Excellent Dispersion and Stability Performance - Koen Burger, Cabot Corporation

2.30 - 3 p.m.: Mergisol – Safer, Biobased Thinner for Epoxy Systems - Dr. René Manski, Hobum Oleochemicals

3 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.: King Industries Featured Product ECS 2025 - Bjørn Hofman, King Industries

3.30 - 4 p.m.: From Cotton to Coatings and Construction: Cellulosic Ethers from Mizudahope - Leonardo Dias, Mizudahope

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