• Supply Chain Management

Corporate responsibility throughout the supply chain

The social and environmental design of our supply chains, with consideration of human rights due diligence, is important to us. By signing our code of conduct, Worlée NaturProdukte and Worlée-Chemie suppliers commit to meeting minimum standards in their operations. To ensure compliance, Worlée NaturProdukte has developed a monitoring system, which is currently being implemented. To regularly assess the sustainability performance of direct suppliers, Worlée-Chemie uses the CSR platform EcoVadis.

Responsibility at the origin

Eleven principles and values form the foundation of Worlée NaturProdukte's sustainability management. We expect responsible behavior from our employees, suppliers, and business partners worldwide. These principles are an integral part of our supplier management and are binding for suppliers.

To ensure compliance with our sustainability requirements, we conduct regular quality and sustainability audits with suppliers. Through careful assessments in the countries of origin, we aim to improve health, safety, labor standards, and environmental impacts. Where possible, we support suppliers in implementing corrective actions.

Worlée NaturProdukte tolerates no corruption, bribery, or anti-competitive behavior. Gifts and invitations are only permitted if they are appropriate and do not influence decisions.

If you wish to report any deviations from our code of conduct in business practices within our supply chains, please use our complaint and whistleblower form.

Local suppliers

Most of Worlée-Chemie's raw material suppliers, whose products we process or trade, are based in Europe. These are supplemented by suppliers from America and Asia. Involving a high proportion of local suppliers, as well as their continuous performance evaluation in the areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable sourcing, are key components of our sustainable supply chain management. Since 2017, we have been systematically and continuously assessing the sustainability of our raw material suppliers through an EcoVadis assessment.

Certified product quality

As a transparent company, we also undergo intensive external audits by customers and certification bodies. The reliable delivery of high-quality and safe plant-based raw materials has always been an essential part of Worlée NaturProdukte's corporate strategy within the framework of our quality policy. Legal compliance and food safety are prerequisites for gaining and maintaining the trust of our customers. Therefore, as one of the first food companies in Germany, we implemented a certified quality management system as early as 1994.

We can clearly demonstrate that we meet the specific quality standards of the industry and the increasing demands of food and feed safety. As a result, we have voluntarily had our company audited and certified according to the FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification 22000), ISO 22000 (International Organization for Standardization 22000), BRC for Agents and Brokers, GMP+ B1, and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) standards. Furthermore, many of our products are kosher and halal certified.

In addition to raw materials certified according to EU requirements for organic farming, Worlée NaturProdukte also offers other organic standards such as Naturland, National Organic Program (NOP), and BioSuisse. We also offer Fairtrade, FairWild, and/or Rainforest Alliance certified products.

Our quality policy sets rules that must be adhered to throughout the entire value chain. These include social, environmental, and economic criteria to ensure the sustainable development of producers in the countries of origin. Fair wages and regulated working conditions are to be made transparent, as well as compliance with various environmental guidelines.

Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Service Providers of Worlée NaturProdukte

For Worlée NaturProdukte, the written Code of Conduct serves as a guideline and orientation. Its signing by suppliers is our basic requirement for collaboration. We assess our suppliers' compliance with the Code of Conduct and identify potential risks based on the country and industry risks associated with each supplier. Additionally, we use self-disclosures from our suppliers on the Sedex online platform.

You can find our Codes of Conduct at the following links:

Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Worlée-Chemie

We view the protection of human rights and the environment as part of our corporate due diligence. In 2017, Worlée-Chemie updated and published its "Code of Conduct for Suppliers." Since then, our suppliers have been asked to acknowledge this code. Our goal is to obtain a binding commitment to its implementation from all parties, including technical suppliers and service providers.