It is a long journey before a finished product leaves our warehouse. Many employees contribute their experience and labor to this process. These are the people who make our raw materials so valuable; without them, we wouldn't be where we are today. As a family-owned business, it is important to us to place a special focus on the social aspect, alongside economic and ecological factors.
Our focus is on sustainable business development and the long-term securing of jobs. The experience, creativity, and commitment of our employees form the foundation of our long-term success.
Positive Work Environment and Attractive Conditions
A healthy work environment and attractive conditions are essential for innovation and new ideas. This includes financial security in case of illness or disability, a sense of family solidarity, and personal appreciation, all of which help bind our employees to the company.
Fair Compensation and Social Benefits
Collective bargaining agreements and above-average compensation are standard for us. Voluntary social benefits further strengthen the long-term commitment of our employees.
Diversity and Customer Proximity
We are proud of our diverse workforce, which contributes its experiences and ideas through team-oriented collaboration. A company suggestion system promotes this exchange. Whenever possible, we hire locally to optimally consider cultural specifics and customer proximity.
Equal Treatment and Flexibility
We stand for equal opportunities and against any form of discrimination, as outlined in our gender equality statement. Employees are compensated according to the collective agreement, regardless of gender. Flexible working hours, remote work options, and part-time leadership positions support the reconciliation of family and career. Cases of discrimination can be reported anonymously, with protection through our external reporting office.

Our social engagement goes far beyond the Worlée boundaries. As a northern German company, we are involved in various regional projects and support cultural events and social institutions through donations. We also maintain an open exchange with local committees, institutions (e.g., volunteer fire departments), neighborhoods, and other stakeholders. To ensure transparency, we regularly open our doors: we welcome visitors from the press, politics, authorities, associations, schools, and other interested citizens at our Hamburg plant.
We source our plant-based food raw materials from all parts of the world. To ensure our quality standards are maintained at the origin, we work closely with many of our suppliers on joint cultivation projects. Whether in India, Egypt, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, or Sri Lanka—Worlée, together with our partners, supports local farmers and promotes public facilities, such as schools or medical camps, as well as social projects, such as well construction, in the growing regions. These projects play an important role in improving the living standards of the local population.